Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Begin with the end in mind

Now to Him that is able to carry out His purpose and do exceedingly abundantly,
far above all that you dare ask, think, hope or imagine.
Ephesians 3.20
I have been pondering this scripture for the past few weeks, and have decided to make it my scripture for the year. It really peaks my interest to believe that I serve a God that can and will do above and beyond anything my finite mind can imagine. I can imagine alot... but I am ready to experience the things that God has been dreaming for me. By the end of the year, I want to look back and say "that was my plan, and God your plan was so much greater"! So I guess I am kinda writing to you, but in another way really sharing with God that I am ready for everything that He has for me. Be extreme. Show me your goodness in ways I never thought possible. Be God. The Only True God. In My Life. For All to See.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Something New

I was reviewing some of the top designs of the 2008 and found myself challenged and amazed how the design industry always seems to be moving forward with innovation, skill and possibility. Boundaries broken, ideas pursued, concepts coming to life and somehow always something new.  It's like great designers and architects are not afraid to dare to believe that their far out thoughts and ideas could actually become reality.  Sometimes form and function flow together, sometimes not, but either way my imagination is always stretched and I am reminded that there is an entire world of possibility just waiting to be discovered. 

This year...

This year I am believing for more than I could imagine. For my life to display God's goodness in such remarkable ways. To... have the best marriage on the planet. Fall more in love with Jesus. Be more comfortable in my own skin. Master the piano. Make it to New York and London with my sweet hubby. Spend more quality time with my mom and sisters. To take two trips with my mother in law. Love people unconditionally... even if they don't love me. Develop the most genuine friendships. Get to know the Bernards more. Be content. Go camping & hiking. Create sweet memories with my family one on one and together. Lose sight of myself. Focus on my strengths. Speak at many women's conferences and events. Purchase a new car. Live by faith in a real everyday way. To reconnect with old friends. To help others shine. Take more girl trips. Visit a few new anthropologies. Write some music. Visit the Turners in So Cal. Stop drinking diet coke (this one is for you mom:) Do hard workouts and get in the best shape of my life. Return voicemails much quicker. Be diligent in confessing the Word over Kyle and I and our future. Impact more lives. Inspire those around me to be all that God has made them to be. Go to Isreal. Find the good in every situation. Do crafty things with Christa. Buy an antique piece and refurbish it. Continue to develop my design skills. See Citizen Cope in concert. Coldplay. Counting Crows. Be a great aunt. To build one of the most life giving church communities.